Before we get onto storing the recipes, I figured a brief intro is in order.
A little over a year ago I became intrigued at the idea of learning how to cook. Up until that point I had relied solely upon the tender mercy of my mother and then my boyfriend in college. Food and the process of cooking it into anything other then substenance was a bit of a mystery to me and frankly I couldn't see why people wasted time on lengthy preparations and fancy meals. Now by the time my interest was piqued, from having seen Ratatouille, Iron Chef, and Top Chef. These shows made me think about how lovely the food looked and how delicious it seemed. I started noticing how things tasted more and determined that I wanted to try my hand at making dinner for a change. After browsing the web, I found a lovely site called Allrecipes and began trying out some of their recipes that had good reviews.
Fast forward to the present and my love of cooking hasn't diminished. I love trying new recipes and ideas, eating, talking about food with friends, and I'm hoping to create a place where both can happen with ease. Hopefully this will be helpful, not just to us, but to any readers who stumble upon this blog as well!
Thanks for the invite. I miss swapping these via WoW channels of all places, and it's more organized than FB notes.